Terms of Service


1. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the parties in using the service (hereinafter referred to as the 'Service') provided by 'startofin' operated by Startofin. 2. E-commerce using PC communication, wireless, etc. shall also be subject to these Terms and Conditions unless contrary to its nature.


1. 'Company' refers to a business operator that operates a virtual business location set up by 'Startofin' to trade goods and services using information and communication facilities such as computers in order to provide goods or services to users, and is also used to refer to e-commerce-related services provided through 'startofin'. 2. 'User' refers to members and non-members who access the 'Site' and receive the services provided by the 'Company' in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. 3. 'Member' refers to a person who has provided personal information to the 'Company' and registered as a member, and can continue to use the services of the 'Company'. 4. 'Non-member' refers to a person who uses the services provided by the Company without registering as a member. 5. 'Report' refers to the goods provided through the 'Site'. 6. 'Buyer' refers to a 'Member' who subscribes to use the purchase service for 'Reports' provided by the 'Company'.

Rules other than Terms and Conditions

Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the provisions of laws and regulations or the individual terms, operating policies and rules of the service (hereinafter referred to as 'Detailed Guidelines') established by the Company. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the Detailed Guidelines, the Detailed Guidelines shall prevail.

Clarification and Amendment of Terms

. 1. Before the 'User' agrees to the Terms, the 'Company' shall seek confirmation from the 'User' through a separate connection screen or pop-up screen so that the 'User' can understand the contents set forth in the Terms, such as the cancellation of subscription and refund conditions. 2. If the 'Company' intends to amend these Terms, it shall specify the date of application and the reason for the amendment and notify it on the initial screen of the online shopping mall along with the current Terms from 7 days before the date of application to the day before the date of application. However, if the terms and conditions are changed to the disadvantage of the 'User', it shall be notified with a grace period of at least 30 days. 3. If the 'Company' revises these Terms, the revised Terms shall only apply to contracts concluded after the effective date, and the pre-amendment Terms shall apply to contracts concluded before the effective date. However, if the 'User' who has already concluded a contract communicates to the 'Company' that he/she wishes to be subject to the contents of the revised Terms and Conditions, and the 'Company' agrees to this, the revised Terms and Conditions shall be applied. 4. Matters not specified in this Agreement and the interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by relevant laws and sound correlative practices.

Services Provided

The 'Company' provides the following services. 1. Providing information on goods and concluding purchase contracts. 2. events provided directly or jointly with affiliates, etc. 3. 3. other tasks determined by the 'Company'

Suspension of Services, etc.

1. The services provided by the'Company' shall be provided in principle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. However, if there is a special reason, such as inspection for maintenance and repair of the'Company' system or replacement of communication equipment, temporary suspension of all or part of the service may occur. 2. The 'Company' may restrict or suspend all or part of the Service if there is an unavoidable reason, such as wartime, an event, a natural disaster, or a national emergency equivalent to a natural disaster, or if a telecommunications service is suspended by a telecommunications service provider under the Telecommunications Business Act. 3. 'startofin.com' may change the contents of the goods to be provided under the contract to be concluded in the future if the goods are out of stock or the details are changed. In this case, we will immediately notify you by specifying the contents of the changed goods or services and the date of provision. 4. If the 'Company' suspends or restricts the use of the service, the 'User' shall be notified without delay of the reason, period, and scheduled date of recovery.


1. The 'User' shall proceed with the membership process after indicating that he/she has read, understands and agrees to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy in accordance with the form prescribed by the 'Company'. 2. The'Company' shall register as a'Member' among the'Users' who have applied for membership in accordance with the preceding paragraph unless there are any of the following reasons. 1. If the applicant has lost his/her membership in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. However, an exception is made in the case of obtaining the consent of the 'Company' to rejoin. 2. If there are any incomplete parts such as falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the membership information. 3. If it is recognised that registering as a member will significantly interfere with the operation of the 'Company'. 3. The time of registration shall be the moment the registration process is completed, without any notice of acceptance from the'Company'.

Withdrawal of Membership and Disqualification

1. 'Member' may request withdrawal from the 'Company' at any time, and the 'Company' shall process the request for withdrawal without delay. However, if it is necessary to fulfil an already concluded transaction contract, this Agreement shall continue to apply. 2. 'STARTOFIN' may limit or suspend the entitlement to the rights if any of the following reasons occur. 1. If you provide false information when registering for membership 2. interfering with the normal use of other users 3. engaging in acts prohibited by relevant laws or these Terms and Conditions 4. engage in acts contrary to public order and morals 5. If it is deemed inappropriate to register as a 'Member' in any other case 3. If a Member does not use the Company's services for one year, the Member may be converted to a dormant account and restricted from using the services. 4. When converting to a dormant account, the remaining information will be deleted except for the ID (Email) required for account activation and the identity authentication value (DI) to prevent duplicate registration. However, if it is required to be preserved by relevant laws and regulations, the 'Company' will keep member information for a specified period of time.

Notification to Members

1. The'Company' may notify the'Member' using the e-mail address specified when the'Member' signed up for membership. 2. If the'Company' wishes to notify an unspecified number of'Members', it may replace individual notifications by posting them on the'Site' bulletin board for more than one week. However, individual notifications will be made for important matters for 'Members' to use the service.

Establishment of Contract

1. The 'Company' may not accept the purchase application under the 'Purchase Application' clause of these Terms and Conditions if there are any of the following reasons. 1. If there are any falsehoods, omissions, or errors in the application contents 2. if a customer whose membership is restricted or suspended applies for purchase 3. if it is acknowledged that the purchase was applied for resale or other fraudulent methods or purposes 4. if it is acknowledged that accepting the other purchase application will cause a significant hindrance to the Company's technology 2. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded when the Company's acceptance reaches the user in the form of a 'receipt confirmation notice' of these Terms and Conditions. 3. When the'Company' expresses its intention to accept, it includes confirmation of the user's purchase application and whether it is available for sale.

Prohibited Content

The transmission of any unlawful, offensive, objectionable, hateful, threatening, defamatory, libellous, reputationally damaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable content is strictly prohibited. Such content includes, but is not limited to, the following Content that promotes illegal or unlawful activities. Defamatory, discriminatory, or malicious content about religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, national/ethnic origin, or any other group. Spam, unauthorised or unsolicited advertising, chain letters, gambling or lottery content. Content that contains viruses or malware or is designed to interrupt, damage or limit the functionality of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment or to gain unauthorised access to any third party data. Infringes any proprietary rights of any party, including patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or rights of publicity. Violation of any of these may result in immediate termination of your account without prior notice.

Payment Methods and General Membership Fees

1. The processing process for payment shall comply with the method of paddle.com. 2. We do not store your financial information on our servers. By choosing a paid plan, you consent to share your payment information with paddle and agree to their terms of service and privacy policy.

Supply of Goods and Services, etc.

1. From the moment of purchase, you acquire the right to freely use the goods and services during the subscription period. The goods and services purchased during the subscription period can be viewed even after the subscription period ends.

Refunds of Subscription

No exchanges or refunds are allowed in accordance with the standard terms and conditions for withdrawal of subscription

Order Cancellation by Startofin

Mistakes in your purchase Limitations or problems with the infrastructure Availability of Advanced Reports In the event of suspected fraud or an unauthorized or illegal transaction, we reserve the right to decline or annul your order.

Customer Subscription Termination

Should you wish to terminate your subscription, you have the freedom to do so at any given moment. To initiate cancellation, you must adhere to the cancellation procedure made available on our platform or reach out to our dedicated customer support team(https://www.startofin.com/inquiry). Upon successful cancellation, the privileges and advantages linked to your paid subscription will be forfeited. It's important to note the following Cancellation of a subscription does not guarantee a refund for any unused portion of the subscription period and any remaining report generation.


Once an order has been placed, cancellation or refund requests will not be accepted. The reports generated by our platform are customized, making it impossible to reverse the process. It is of utmost importance that you thoroughly review your order before finalizing it to avoid any dissatisfaction.

Warranty Disclaimer

Provide the generated report by itself. The entity generating the report is chatGPT of openAI. Furthermore, Startofin disclaims any and all warranties and guarantees for the generated reports. Due to the nature of the goods, the process and principle by which they are generated, there is no obligation to fulfil any indicators of satisfaction of the User's needs and desired results, performance, reliability, etc. and no responsibility for the absence of errors. In addition, Startofin does not accept any responsibility, obligation or guarantee for any negative losses (including any negative consequences, such as loss of use, loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of production, etc.) caused by the reports generated by the User. All responsibility and liability rests with the User. Startofin uses GPT technology, generates reports, and is used for informational purposes. Startofin is not affiliated with openAI. No guarantee of accuracy or reliability. Information provided may contain errors and inaccuracies. Startofin shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage arising out of the user's use of the information.

Obligations of the Company

1. The'Company' shall not engage in any act prohibited by relevant laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions, or contrary to public order and morals, and shall do its best to provide goods continuously and stably as stipulated in the Terms and Conditions.

Obligations of Users and Members

1. 'User' shall fill out the application form based on the facts when applying for membership. If you register false or other people's information, you cannot claim any rights against the'Company', and the'Company' shall not be liable for any damages caused by this. 2. The 'User' shall comply with the matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and other regulations and notices set forth by the 'Company'. In addition, the 'User' shall not engage in acts that interfere with the 'Company''s business or defame the 'Company'. 3. The 'User' shall immediately correct the membership information such as e-mail address if it is changed. The 'User' shall bear the responsibility for not correcting the changed information or neglecting to correct it. 4. 'Users' shall not engage in the following acts. 1. change the information posted on the 'Company' 2. transmitting or posting information other than the information prescribed by the 'Company' 3. infringement of intellectual property rights such as copyrights of the Company and third parties 4. Defamation of the 'Company' and third parties or interference with their work 5. disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, voices, or other information contrary to relevant laws and public order and morals on the'Company's'Site' 6. any other series of acts that cause damage to the 'Company' 5. 'Member' shall manage the granted membership information directly. 6. If the 'Member' realises that his/her membership information has been stolen or is being used by a third party, he/she shall immediately notify the 'Company' and follow the instructions.

Attribution and Use of Copyright

1. The services provided by 'startofin' and all intellectual property rights related to them belong to the 'Company'. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the 'Company' may use the works registered by the 'User' for the purpose of operating, displaying, transmitting, distributing, promoting, etc. of the service without separate permission and free of charge, within the scope consistent with copyright laws and fair trade practices, as follows. 1. Use to create secondary works or compilation works within the scope of not infringing copyright, such as reproduction, modification, display, transmission, distribution, etc. of 'Contents' created by 'Users' within the services provided by the 'Company'. However, if the 'User' requests the deletion or discontinuation of the relevant 'Content', we will delete or discontinue all relevant 'Content' except for those that must be preserved in accordance with applicable laws. 2. use within the scope of operating and promoting the Service, improving the Service and developing new services. 3. use of 'Contents' for the purpose of publicity through media, telecommunications companies, etc.

Effective Date

These Terms and Conditions shall apply from 2023.10.10.